The transnational experts working group was  organized in Madrid on 10 December 2018. The event organizer was the Spanish partner Association Trabe Iniciativas para la Economia Social y Solidaria. At the event attended coordinator and partners experts from Romania, Spain, Bulgaria, Italy and Greece alongside local Spanish stakeholders with expertise on the protection of women rights. The role of the event was to discuss on each country context to protect women against acts of violence and also to agree on the content structure of a joint strategy paper on un-reporting of cases and how to improve the efficiency of protection order.

D2.1. Transnational experts meeting agenda

D2.1. Project Presentation

D2.1. Presentation Pro Refugiu Romania

D2.1. Presentation CECL Greece

D2.1. Presentation CILD Italy

D2.1. Presentation CSD and Demetra Bulgaria

D2.1. Presentation Trabe Spain